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General Work Gloves

247 Products Found

Gloves are an essential piece of protective equipment for people working in a range of different settings and industries; our hands are the most important part of any toolkit after all.

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From general everyday tasks to those heavy-duty jobs that require the highest level of protection, we’ve got you covered no matter your working environment. For the eco-conscious employer, why not equip your team with eco-friendly gloves made using sustainable fabrics that don’t compromise on quality or durability?

At Safetec Direct, we stock hundreds of different styles and types of gloves to ensure you can find the perfect fit for your next job. And, with prices starting at less than £1 a pair, you can prioritise safety without compromising on price. We stock products from market-leading suppliers like Portwest, HexArmor, and Polyco, so you can count on us to equip your team with industry-grade safety gear.

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