Level 5 Cut Gloves
72 Products Found
Our level 5 cut resistant gloves offer great protection against cut hazards. They achieve the highest cut resistance score under the mechanical hazards EN388:2013 standard. The test rates the cut resistant levels of gloves on a scale of one to five, cut 5 being the highest level. The higher the level, the safer the work gloves. The level 5 cut resistant gloves would be classed as offering similar levels protection as the new cut level C gloves.
You can choose between a variety of styles and sizes to find the perfect fit for your hands. You’ll want to ensure the gloves you opt for have a strong grip, as well as a comfortable fit on your hands. Gloves with any slack won’t provide as solid a level of protection.
72 Products Found
72 Products Found
72 Products Found
For those looking to add an extra layer of safety, there’s the additional option of purchasing an arm sleeve or guard. These provide the same function as a glove, instead focusing on safeguarding your forearm.
Choose from the extensive range of products above to find the right equipment for your job. And remember, always make safety a priority.
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