Ear Plug Dispensers & Refills
14 Products Found
An ear plug dispenser could make a massive difference to both you and your worker’s hearing safety in a loud working environment. We sometimes overlook the damage loud noises can have on our ears. With a dispenser fitted, you’re providing a quick and easy way to stop hearing damage from ever being a worry.
14 Products Found
14 Products Found
14 Products Found
The unit is best used when mounted onto a wall. This allows workers to quickly access a pair of ear plugs at the click of a button. When the levels inside the dispenser are getting low, you’ll be able to refill them easily by removing the lid.
Whether you’re working in a factory, on a construction site or even in your own personal workshop, an ear dispenser is an incredibly useful addition. Protect not only your own hearing, but that of your workforce and those close to you.
There are a number of options to choose between. Safetec stocks only the best dispensers, so be sure to browse the products we have on sale to find a design which works for you.
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